Monday, June 2, 2008

Yes Captain.

1. Years ago I bought an old tan Ford Tempo from a friend's grandma in Kansas City, Kansas for 400 dollars. It had a nude-coloured exterior, a tan interior and a license plate that said "Mary Ida" that I couldn't get off as it had rusted to the car. Thus we named the car "Mary Ida", and bought a tan throw pillow for the back seat and a tan bobble-headed dog for the dash.

Before the kids were born I remember we would often go on road-trips to here and there. At one point, we were in the middle of Western Kansas - "no where", as they say - on a characteristically latitudinal east/west road. Tan prairie as far as the eye can see. I stopped the car to look around and take some video footage. We climbed up on the roof for a better view. I imagine if someone had seen us, it would've looked like we were standing on nothing.

2. I am so proud of my family. "Proud" is an odd word, I know, and I don't necessarily mean it the way it is meant to be used, but the idea is, I guess, that I am so happy that they exist and are mine. Not "mine" in the sense that I own them so much as the sense that Ephraim is "my" son, Estrella is "my" daughter, Rachel is "my" wife. Of these characteristics that help describe them I am the sole referent.

Ephraim wears his spittle like a crystal necklace around his neck, the depths of which we have not yet succeeded in plumbing by virtue of it's rotundity. I think rotundity was the word I wanted.

Estrella played soccer with me and some other kids and grown-ups today. She was running around chasing the ball and squealing. The sweat was pasting tiny threads of hair to her face. "Are you tired?" I'd ask. "No!" She'd say. She did get nailed with the ball once, but recouped, somewhat. We were all pretty tired.

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