Monday, December 1, 2008


I awoke this morning with a dull headache and low-level nausea - nothing I can't normally handle. But after rounding up the kids, seeing them and their mother out the door, drinking 1/2 a cup of coffee, eating two heels of toast with strawberry jelly, and thinking it over for a bit, I think I'm going to stay home. Also included in this decision-making process was my very real reticence to go to school in the first place, primarily due to my general malaise, which very well might be a type of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Across the street there are fellows putting new gutters on a house. It's a small house, with no overhang. It looks as though the fascia board beneath the old gutters is going to need replaced. Our neighbor is going to be all set for the winter soon. She's already had new shingles put on and a rickety old tree that was too close to her house cut down. Soon it will be time to hunker down, turn on some lights, and listen to the wind whistle around the house.

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