Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Throwing Rocks at the Think Tank

Some great new ideas being considered by the ad hoc committee for great ideas, as instructed by the fledgling 4th party political party I have yet to name:

1. A shadow citizenry, to give the shadow government someone to govern.

2. A Panhandlenic Society. Originally a geographically based society, conceived during deliberations on the reunion of various East/West named states as a part of our party platform, now comprised of Panhandlers, and whose meetings will occur at the same time as the Panhellenic Society, outside on the sidewalk, so that members can ask for money as Panhellenites come and go. More on this later.

3. A public relations firm for terrorists, to offset the bad job the C.I.A. is doing. The goal will be to give the citizenry, both shadow and actual, a constant visage on which to displace discontent (or place discontent, or displace content, etc.). Its strategy will involve a highly complex and leaderless network of blogs, the cornerstone of which will be the forthcoming new and improved Osama Bin Laden blog entitled Osama been Bloggin'. Again, more on this later.

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